Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Birthday was a Hoot

Two weekends ago I celebrated my 27th birthday. Normally I would create my own facebook event and invite all my friends and even bar friends together for dinner and drinks. Last year it was Bella's, the year before it was Cork (now Yard of Ale), the year before that (both 24 and 23) was at Dragonfly in Gainesville. Every birthday has been wonderful... This year was even better, although I decided to take a different approach. This year, I realized that the only people I wanted to spend my birthday with was my family. Might seem lame and boring to some, but the last few months have been challenging in both my professional and personal life. Plus, I never thought I would get tired of going out. These days, I'm in a cab on my way home by midnight!

So when my parents came to visit, it was nice and relaxing. My sister-in-law baked a cake and we let my nephew (3yrs old) decorate. It was the best! Home cooked meals and retail therapy; what more could a girl ask for? I am truly blessed with a great family, and I am so luck to have my brother and his family just a few miles away.

So what does this weeks blog have to do with owls? My mother bought me 2 ceramic owl bookends as a birthday present. They are adorable, but I am not sure what to do with them right now, seeing that I don't have a bookshelf for them to go on.