So call me crazy, but I love owls. In the past few years, I feel that the rest of the world has also jumped on the owl band wagon, or maybe I just notice them everywhere I go. It's like I have owldar, if there was such a thing.
Everyone who knows me will tell you that I am obsessed, but not in a creepy owl lady way, it's just my thing. I think its normal to have a hobby or a collection, so I justify it to myself that way.
So this is my first time writing one of these blog things, and no, it won't always be about owls and owl crap that I find. There will be other topics such as my travels, family, friends and work. I would bore myself if all I talked about was owls, and you readers would think I have issues, unless of course you are an owl fan.
So enjoy reading, if not... Hoot Off